Our Services

IMTC Gurgaon offers Indian Montessori Training Courses

Teachers Training

The Indian Montessori Centre conducts classroom courses which provide the student with a sound understanding of the methods and philosophy of the time-tested Montessori approach to learning. In short, these courses groom the student into a complete Montessori-trained adult. IMTC Montessori Teacher Training courses spans over 600 hours of work in a 10 month period. This is one of the most comprehensive & rigorous Montessori training courses in the world – in India it is also the most authentic. The course covers the application of the Montessori Method to the education of children from 2.5-6 years of age.
There are 3 sections:
*Child Psychology
*The Theory of Montessori Method
*Practical Demonstration lectures & practice


We offer workshops and refresher courses, standard or customised to the requirement of the institutions. We offer customised short training modules too, if required.
A certificate is awarded at the end of the module.


A student is awarded a diploma at the successful completion of the course-the exams, written and oral as well as creating their manuals and materials.
The diploma is recognised by the Dept. of Education, Govt. of Karnataka and is well-known pan India.

Our story

Indian Montessori Training Courses (IMTC) under the aegis of Indian Montessori Centre (IMC) HQ in Bangalore and in association with Our Montessori House– a Montessori House of Children, started its Teachers’ training course for the first time in Northern India in Gurgaon from April 2016. The spirit behind IMTC-Gurgaon is Nandini Ghosh who was so enraptured by the entire Montessori Method, that she herself attended the training program in Calcutta. She came to IMC in Bangalore, after researching many training courses. She then launched the program in Gurgaon and roped in senior Montessori educators and IMC members to be a part of the Northern India Chapter of IMC.

Our team

The trainers of this course are very senior educators from the Montessori Teacher Training background

Nandini Ghosh

Director, Indian Montessori Centre

Daisy Narang

Director, Indian Montessori Centre
Uma Shanker

Uma Shanker

Director, Indian Montessori Centre

Mentor & Advisor

Sujata R Kumar

Director, Indian Montessori Centre

Senior Faculty

Trainee Testimonials

Here is what some of the trainees, who have passed out of IMTC-Gurgaon, NCR have to say about the course and their experience.
Bhawna Kumar

Bhawna Kumar

Batch 2017-18

Joining the IMTC training course has put a new insight in my mind about how to deal with children and what are their behavioural patterns. I would love to spread this understanding further. It has opened new avenues for me. My faculty is as helpful, polite and encouraging as they can be...extremely learned and experienced in their work. I have loved to be here

Neha Kotecha Rao

Neha Kotecha Rao

Batch 2016-17

IMTC's Montessori Diploma Program is outstanding! It gave me a deeper understanding about the 'Child' and the Montessori method. Both it's structure and content are well delivered and relevant for real life classroom situations. By the end of the program you 'live and breathe' Montessori!
The Directors of the course are extremely passionate and positive, possessing wealth of knowledge and experience. They encourage and support the students, making sure that they succeed. They form the 'Link of Love' with the Montessori Method. The program is thought provoking and will certainly change the way you look at the 'Child', be there for the 'Child';
You being his 'Guide' and the 'Child' your 'Teacher!'

Khushboo Saraogi

Khushboo Saraogi

Batch 2016-17

There is nothing I can say that can do justice to this amazing course and the faculty conducting it. I was looking for a training course to enhance my skills. I did a lot of research to find a course that suited me the most. When I came across IMTC Gurgaon, I knew that this is what I wanted. I feel proud to have been associated with IMTC. The support and guidance of Uma ma'am, Sujata Ma'am and Nandini ma'am throughout the course is what I am most thankful for. The course itself not only equips you to become a technically sound Montessori adult but it changes you as a person too. Interacting with the trainers and visiting faculty inspired me to become like them. They are powerhouses of knowledge and yet so humble. There is a lot you learn in the course but you learn even more from the faculty.

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Indian Montessori Centre Northern India Chapter - Gurgaon C/O. Our Montessori House, Child enrichment center. Block-B, Vipul World Sec-48. Sohna road Gurgaon- 122018

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Ph: 95992-06199

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